
香港人类学会系列讲座:西藏仪式艺术与协作的神圣性(Mark Stevenson博士)

2021-06-17 14:48:26

Tibetan Ritual Art and the Holiness of Coordination



讲者:Mark Stevenson博士




1991年青海隆务寺(Rongwo Monastery)藏式酥油花雕塑建造之时,讲者记录了其中一个雕塑的修建过程,产生了丰富的图像与文字记录,是次演讲将以所获资料为基础,探讨协作在艺术家建造仪式艺术时的意义。这尊雕塑被称为“第十五日的献祭”,为藏历新年的第十五日或满月时,寺院信众祈祷所用;因此更严格地说,它是朵玛(torma)的特殊形式,或仪式献祭品。这次演讲将重点集中于新年来临前的时日,四位艺术家聚于一处,制作酥油饰品装点献祭品的场景。Alfred Schutz讨论音乐中主体间的交流,对这一模式予以借鉴,发现在进行仪式加工时,艺术家们体现出三种特质,分别为互相引导、互相察觉以及相互反映。上述特质与协作,共同造就了朵玛的神圣。

(人类学系某位同学创作于2017年Dr. Stevenson的课堂)

讲者:Mark Stevenson博士(香港中文大学兼职副教授、维多利亚大学荣誉院士)为一名社会人类学家,他的田野工作着重于阐释东北安多黄南(青海黄南)藏区当代视觉艺术转变的形成。


更多资讯,请致电Stan Dyer: (852) 9746 9537




Tibetan Ritual Art and the Holiness of Coordination

Ananthropological talk by Dr. Mark Stevenson

Friday 19January at 7:00 p.m. Hong Kong Museum of History

Lecture Hall,Ground Floor, 100 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui All are welcome! 

Using photographs and notes taken in 1991 during the construction of a Tibetan butter-sculpture at Rongwo Monastery, Qinghai province, this presentation will share some thoughts on the meaning of artists’coordination in the production of ritual art. Known as ‘The Offering of the Fifteenth,’ and made for the monastery’s prayer gathering on the fifteenth dayor full moon of the New Year (losar), it is more strictly speaking anespecially elaborate form of torma, or ritual offering cake. This presentation will focus on the days preceding the arrival of New Year, and the four artists who come together to model the butter ornaments which adorn the offering cake tableau. Referring to a model of intersubjective communication first applied by Alfred Schutz to music, three qualities are found to derive from the artists’ coordination when applied within a context of ritual fashioning (mutual guidance, mutual awareness, mutual reflection). These qualities are described, and coordination is also found to contribute to sacralising the torma.

Dr. Mark Stevenson (Adjunct Associate Professor, CUHK; Honorary Fellow, Victoria University) is a social anthropologist whose fieldwork focuses on interpreting transformations in contemporary visual culture taking shape in the northeast Tibetan region of Amdo Rebkong (Huangnan,Qinghai).

Following the talk, you are invited to a self-payingdinner with the speaker.

For more information, please contact Stan Dyer on9746 9537 or,,,@HKASTalks


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