
在香港遇见Mr. A|安德烈·萨耶佤(André Saraiva)将于香港巴塞尔艺术周期间举办个展

2022-04-26 09:36:43


Meet the internationally famed André in Hong Kong

 André in HK

Danysz画廊有幸将在香港巴塞尔艺术周期间,为法国街头艺术家安德烈·萨耶佤(André Saraiva)举办个展。安德烈在香港名为《安德烈·萨耶佤在香港》的首展将于3月30日至4月1日,在兰桂坊 (Lan Kwai Fong)加州大厦(California Tower)Loft 22举行。此次展览的作品将涵盖画布油画,诙谐的纸本绘画以及木门绘画。更值得一提的是,届时艺术家也将特地现场制作一系列全新作品。这次展览将秉承安德烈的“幸福文化”理念,相信它定会为您带来愉快幸福的体验。

The Danysz gallery is proud to present French artist André Saraiva’s solo show in Hong-Kong on the occasion of the Art Basel Hong Kong. This special solo show called André Saraiva in Hong Kong, will be held during 30 March to 1 April at California Tower - Loft 22, Lan Kwai Fong. Including colorful paintings on canvas, witty drawings as well as works on wooden door, and special works made on site specifically for the show, this exhibition is a shot of happiness.

 About the artist 

在近四十年的历程中,欧洲艺术家ANDRÉ,本名安德烈·萨耶佤(André Saraiva)(出生在瑞典,其父母为葡萄牙籍,艺术家成长于法国)已经建立了一种独特的绘画风格。在艺术家很小的时候,艺术便是André Saraiva的首选表达方式,他选择这样表达自己并在世界上留下印记。在邻居的墙上贴上他的名字是他表明个人存在方式的紧急声明。后来,他改进了他的风格,并找到了他的标志性签名:A.先生。因此,他是80年代第一批使用这种标识作为他的签名,而不是简单的块状字母的艺术家之一。 他以其标志性的卡通形象出现:一个圆头,长着长长的四肢,还有一个圆和一个眼睛的十字架-这个主题在Saraiva早期的油画作品中反复出现。从他标志性的A先生的脸庞,他的风格已经演变成更概念化的做法。单一的线条幻化出了更多的图像。线条成为一种标志,传播并且以“无孔不入”的方式渗透了整个世界。他的艺术可以被看作是他对侵入所有领域的探索。


Over the course of nearly four decades, European artist ANDRÉ a.k.a. André Saraiva (born in Sweden and raised in France from Portuguese parents) has established a singular pictorial style. Art was the first way André Saraiva, at a very young age chose to express himself and put a mark on the world. Tagging his name on the neighborhood’s walls was an urgent declaration of his existence. Then, he refined his style and found his iconic signature: the Mr A. figure. As such he was one of the first artists in the 80s to use this kind of logotype as his signature instead of simple block letters. He became identified with his iconic, cartoonish character: a round-headed figure with long limbs and a circle and a cross for eyes—a subject that recurred in Saraiva’s early canvas paintings. From his iconic grinding Mr A. face, his style has evolved into a more conceptual practice. From the mere line more has emerged. The line became an icon, which in true pervasive ways has spread and contaminated the world. His art can be seen as a whole invading all parts of his ventures. 

他很快超越了涂鸦的方式来分享他对当今世界的看法。 在二十一世纪,Saraiva开始了一个名为“爱情涂鸦”的表演性质的项目,在该项目中,艺术家将在参与者所选的地址上喷涂他(她)的情人的名字。他后来的作品继续使用线条、文字和轮廓清晰的几何图形。

Quickly he went beyond the graffiti ways in order to share his vision of the contemporary world. In the 2000s, Saraiva began a performative project called “Love Graffiti” in which he would spray paint the name of someone’s lover at an address of his or her choosing. His later works continued to employ line, text, and clean-edged geometry. 

艺术家的展览足迹也遍布了全球各地。2004年,他在东京Parco博物馆举办展览,并于2006年参加在巴黎大皇宫举办的“艺术的力量(La Force de l'Art)”展览。在他的概念系列“梦幻音乐会”中,他贴上了虚假的音乐会海报,并将其展示在如洛杉矶现代艺术博物馆(MoCA LA)等一些美术馆中。2009年,他参加了红房子基金会(Maison Rouge Foundation)的“Vraoum”节目。2012年,他创作了一个名为“Andrepolis”的大型装置,类似于一个以巴黎和纽约为原型的城市,采用霓虹灯照明的缩小规模。2014年,他还在德国巴登巴登(Baden-Baden)的Frieder Burda博物馆举办过展览。

The artist has presented a lot of exhibitions worldwide. In 2004, he exhibits at the Parco Museum in Tokyo and in 2006 takes part in the “La Force de l’Art” show in Grand Palais in Paris. In his conceptual series "Dream Concerts" he pastes fake concerts posters, presenting them in museums such as the MoCA LA . In 2009, he is part of the “Vraoum” show at the Maison Rouge Foundation. In 2012, he created a large-scale installation titled “Andrépolis”, resembling a city based on Paris and New York in miniature scale with neon lighting. In 2014, he is also shown by the Museum Frieder Burda inBaden-Baden, Germany.

 Coorprative partner 

本次展览也是香港兰桂坊于2018年3月举办的第三届Savouring艺术活动的亮点,其中12家来自兰桂坊的顶尖餐厅,每一间餐厅受安德烈的“幸福文化”启发而研发了独特的“尝鲜”菜单。在繁忙的艺术月期间,源于快乐灵感的创意菜式定会为您带来一份味蕾的美好体验,安德烈的个展定会将兰桂坊变成艺术中心。获取更多有关兰桂坊2018 Savouring Art活动资讯: www.lankwaifong/savouringart2018

It will be the highlight of Lan Kwai Fong's third edition of Savouring Art campaign during March 2018 in which 12 distinguished restaurants from Lan Kwai Fong have each created a unique tasting menu inspired by André's 'Happiness Culture'.  André's solo show exhibition is set to turn Lan Kwai Fong into an art hub during the bustling month of art. Find out more about LKF Savouring Art 2018: www.lankwaifong/savouringart2018       


安德烈·萨耶佤在香港André Saraiva, in Hong Kong

2018年3月30日-4月1日 / March 30th  – April 1st, 2018

每天下午2点-8点 / every day from 2pm to 8pm

VIP预展 / Private preview:周四,3月29日晚7点-9点 / Thursday, March 29th from 7pm to 9pm

地址 / Venue:香港中环德己立街30-36号加州大厦Loft 22 LOFT22, 22F California Tower, 30-36 d'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong 

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