

2022-07-22 14:55:34
















Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, the city's largest innovation and technology center, is considering offering free rentals to international technology giants, its chief said.


If that plan gets the green light from the HKSTP board of directors, it could push Hong Kong a step ahead of Shanghai, China's magnet for global high-tech R&D centers, and change the landscape of innovation development in the country.


HKSTP Chairperson Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun said the rent-free proposal is tailor-made for tech titans in China and beyond, such as Google and Tencent, attracting them to establish their research and development branches in the park.


Ultimately, by attracting leading R&D centers, Hong Kong would boost its innovation and technology competitiveness and help itself develop as a connector for the industry, Law said. It would also create quality job opportunities for students of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the city, she said.


R&D, standing in the middle of the innovation and technology industrial chain, plays a role in transferring knowledge from the chain's higher reaches to marketable products.


Moreover, Law said the rent-free offer would form a synergy with the Hong Kong government's innovation policies and the benefits offered by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development. That will help Hong Kong develop into an international innovation and technology hub, Law said.


In the future, the park would like to further upgrade the plan by offering the incentive in exchange for shares in the companies, and in that way the plan would be a win-win solution, Law said.


Currently, Shanghai is the country's biggest base for international high-tech research and home to 416 foreign R&D centers, one-fourth of the total in China.


Shanghai's policy includes rent allowance, a one-off rent subsidy and a three-year rent discount, according to municipal government documents. That is currently the best offer international technology companies can currently get in China, according to the Shanghai government.


Hong Kong's general competitiveness rose to the sixth in the latest global competitiveness index, which covered 137 economies. However, the Global Innovation Index ranks Hong Kong as 16th globally, behind regional competitors like Singapore, South Korea and Japan.


Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's first Policy Address in October outlined a series of incentives to boost Hong Kong's innovation and technology development. One of the highlights is a tax deduction on R&D expenditures.


Under the policy, the first HK$2 million ($255,875) of R&D expenditure is eligible for a 300 percent tax deduction, and the remainder is eligible for a 200 percent deduction.


Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, the city's largest innovation and technology center, is considering offering free rentals to international technology giants, its chief said.


If that plan gets the green light from the HKSTP board of directors, it could push Hong Kong a step ahead of Shanghai, China's magnet for global high-tech R&D centers, and change the landscape of innovation development in the country.


HKSTP Chairperson Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun said the rent-free proposal is tailor-made for tech titans in China and beyond, such as Google and Tencent, attracting them to establish their research and development branches in the park.

Word & Expression

1. innovation

  • 英 [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]  美 [,ɪnə'veʃən] 

  • n. 创新,革新;新方法

    They produced the first vegetarian beanburger – an innovation which was rapidly exported.


    reformation , renovation , renewal

    technological innovation 技术革新;工艺革新

    innovation ability 创新能力

    continuous innovation 连续创新

2. rental

  • 英 ['rent(ə)l]  美 ['rɛntl] 

  • n. 租金收入,租金;租赁

    We can arrange car rental from Chicago's O'Hare Airport.


    letting , leasing

    car rental 汽车出租

    equipment rental 设备租用

    residential rental 房租

  • adj. 租赁的;收取租金的

    A friend drove her to Atlanta, where she picked up a rental car.



    rental housing 租赁房屋

    rental income 租赁收入

3. giant

  • 英 ['dʒaɪənt]  美 ['dʒaɪənt] 

  • n. 巨人;伟人;[动] 巨大的动物

    ...Japanese electronics giant, Sony.


    Titan , jotun

  • adj. 巨大的;巨人般的

    ...America's giant car maker, General Motors.


    huge , tremendous , enormous , massive , macro

    giant panda [动]大熊猫;大猫熊

    giant cell 巨细胞;巨胞

    giant star 巨星

4. board

  • 英 [bɔːd]  美 [bɔrd] 

  • n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食

    He wrote a few more notes on the board.


    meal , directorate

    on board 在船(火车、飞机)上

    on the board 在董事会,将在会上讨论;在那块木板上

    circuit board 电路板;线路板

  • vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿

    I boarded the plane bound for Boston.



  • vi. 寄宿

    guest , stay over

5. magnet

  • 英 [ˈmæɡnɪt]  美 ['mægnɪt]

  • n. 磁铁;[电磁] 磁体;磁石

    Prospect Park, with its vast lake, is a magnet for all health freaks.


    aimant , leading stone

    permanent magnet 永久磁铁

    superconducting magnet 超导磁体;超导磁铁

    bar magnet 棒磁铁;条形磁铁

6. landscape

  • 英 [ˈlændskeɪp]  美 [ˈlændskep] 

  • n. 风景;风景画;景色;山水画;乡村风景画;地形;(文件的)横向打印格式

    ...Arizona's desert landscape.


    scenery , view , picture , prospect , outlook

    landscape design 景观设计;园林设计;环境景观设计

    landscape architecture 造园术,园林建筑学;造景建筑业

    natural landscape 自然景观;天然景观

  • vt. 对…做景观美化,给…做园林美化;从事庭园设计

    The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl.


  • vi. 美化(环境等),使景色宜人;从事景观美化工作,做庭园设计师




       HKSTP主席Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun说免租方案是专为在中国及以外的科技巨头设计的,如谷歌和腾讯,以吸引他们在园区里建立自己的研究开发机构。

Ultimately, by attracting leading R&D centers, Hong Kong would boost its innovation and technology competitiveness and help itself develop as a connector for the industry, Law said. It would also create quality job opportunities for students of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the city, she said.


R&D, standing in the middle of the innovation and technology industrial chain, plays a role in transferring knowledge from the chain's higher reaches to marketable products.


Moreover, Law said the rent-free offer would form a synergy with the Hong Kong government's innovation policies and the benefits offered by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development. That will help Hong Kong develop into an international innovation and technology hub, Law said.

Word & Expression

1. ultimately

  • 英 ['ʌltɪmətlɪ]  美 ['ʌltəmɪtlɪ]

  • adv. 最后;根本;基本上

    Whatever the scientists ultimately conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed.


    eventually , finally , basically , lastly , either

2. boost

  • 英 [buːst]  美 [bʊst] 

  • vt. 促进;增加;支援

    Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.


    facilitate , promote , enhance , further , jack

    boost up 向上推

    boost pressure 升压;吸入管压力

  • vi. 宣扬;偷窃

    pick pocket , rip off

  • n. 推动;帮助;宣扬

    It would get the economy going and give us the boost that we need.


    assistance , motivation , hand , aid , publicity

3. chain

  • 英 [tʃeɪn]  美 [tʃen] 

  • n. 链;束缚;枷锁

    His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain.


    restriction , cord

    supply chain 供应链;供给链;供需链

    supply chain management 供应连锁管理

    value chain 价值链

  • vt. 束缚;囚禁;用铁链锁住

    We were sitting together in our cell, chained to the wall.


    bound , enslave

4. transfer

  • 英 [træns'fɜː; trɑːns-; -nz-]  美 [træns'fɝ] 

  • vt. 使转移;调任

    Transfer the meat to a platter and leave in a warm place.


    hand , negotiate

  • vi. 转让;转学;换车

    I was transferred to the book department.


    make over , dispose of

  • n. 转让;转移;传递;过户

    Arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor.


    negotiation , diversion

    heat transfer 热传递,传热

    mass transfer 质量传递,传质;质量转移

    transfer coefficient 传送系数,转移系数

5. synergy

  • 英 ['sɪnədʒɪ]  美 ['sɪnɚdʒi] 

  • n. 协同;协同作用;增效

    Of course, there's quite obviously a lot of synergy between the two companies.


    cooperativity , synergic action

    synergy effect 协同效应;合成效应





In the future, the park would like to further upgrade the plan by offering the incentive in exchange for shares in the companies, and in that way the plan would be a win-win solution, Law said.


Currently, Shanghai is the country's biggest base for international high-tech research and home to 416 foreign R&D centers, one-fourth of the total in China.


Shanghai's policy includes rent allowance, a one-off rent subsidy and a three-year rent discount, according to municipal government documents. That is currently the best offer international technology companies can currently get in China, according to the Shanghai government.

Word & Expression

1. incentive

  • 英 [ɪn'sentɪv]  美 [ɪn'sɛntɪv]

  • n. 动机;刺激

    There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures.


    motivation , stimulus , reason , excitement , needle

    incentive mechanism 激励机制

    incentive system 奖励制度,激励制度

    incentive theory 激励理论;诱因论

  • adj. 激励的;刺激的

    stimulative , hortatory

2. share

  • 英 [ʃeə]  美 [ʃɛr] 

  • n. 份额;股份

    People in China are eager to buy shares in new businesses.


    stock , lot

    market share 市场占有率

    share of …的份额;…的部份

  • vt. 分享,分担;分配

    ...the small income he had shared with his brother from his father's estate.


    participate in , portion

    share with 分与,分配;和…分享

    share in 分享,分担

  • vi. 共享;分担

    Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do not share information among themselves.



3. allowance

  • 英 [ə'laʊəns]  美 [ə'laʊəns] 

  • n. 津贴,零用钱;允许;限额

    She gets an allowance for taking care of Amy.


    permission , quota , pension , subsidy

    housing allowance n. 住房津贴

    make allowance 体谅;留余地

    make allowance for 体谅,考虑到;为…留余地

  • vt. 定量供应


4. subsidy

  • 英 ['sʌbsɪdɪ]  美 ['sʌbsədi] 

  • n. 补贴;津贴;补助金

    European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.


    pension , allowance

    government subsidy 政府补助金,政府补贴

    export subsidy 出口补贴

5. municipal

  • 英 [mjʊ'nɪsɪp(ə)l]  美 [mju'nɪsɪpl]

  • adj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的

    The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march.


    civic , communalistic

    municipal government 市政府

    municipal sewage 城市污水

    municipal engineering 市政工程





Hong Kong's general competitiveness rose to the sixth in the latest global competitiveness index, which covered 137 economies. However, the Global Innovation Index ranks Hong Kong as 16th globally, behind regional competitors like Singapore, South Korea and Japan.


Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's first Policy Address in October outlined a series of incentives to boost Hong Kong's innovation and technology development. One of the highlights is a tax deduction on R&D expenditures.


Under the policy, the first HK$2 million ($255,875) of R&D expenditure is eligible for a 300 percent tax deduction, and the remainder is eligible for a 200 percent deduction.

Word & Expression

1. index

  • 英 ['ɪndeks]  美 ['ɪndɛks] 

  • n. 指标;指数;索引;指针

    There's even a special subject index.


    finger , indicatrix

    index system [计]索引系统

    refractive index 折射率,折光率

    performance index 性能指标,工作指数

  • vt. 指出;编入索引中

    Minimum benefits and wages are to be indexed to inflation.


    to point out , to indicate

  • vi. 做索引

2. regional

  • 英 ['riːdʒənl]  美 ['ridʒənl] 

  • adj. 地区的;局部的;整个地区的

    The Garden's menu is based on Hawaiian regional cuisine.


    partial , local

    regional economic 地区经济;地域经济

    regional economy 区域经济;地区经济

    regional distribution 地理分布

3. highlight

  • 英 ['haɪlaɪt]  美 ['haɪlaɪt]

  • n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区

    ...a match that is likely to prove one of the highlights of the tournament.


    first thing

  • vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮

    Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button.


    emphasize , stress

4. expenditure

  • 英 [ɪk'spendɪtʃə; ek-]  美 [ɪk'spɛndɪtʃɚ]

  • n. 支出,花费;经费,消费额

    Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.


    spending , payout

    revenue and expenditure 收支

    public expenditure 市政开支;公用事业费用

    energy expenditure 能量消耗

5. eligible

  • 英 ['elɪdʒɪb(ə)l]  美 ['ɛlɪdʒəbl] 

  • adj. 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的

    Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.


    qualified , applicable , becoming , shaped , likely

    eligible bidders 合格的投标商

    eligible products 合格产品

  • n. 合格者;适任者;有资格者

    The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s.








Moreover, Law said the rent-free offer would form a synergy with the Hong Kong government's innovation policies and the benefits offered by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development. 


  • moreover的含义

    adv. 再者;此外;而且;同时

  • moreover的例句

    The composition is a not well written,and moreover,there are many spelling mistakes in it.


    "The price is too high,and moreover,the house isn't in a suitable position."


    I don't like skating,moreover,the ice is too thin.


    He was,moreover,a poet of promise.


    The proposal was not well thought out; moreover,it would have been too expensive.


  • 同义词

    besides prep. 除 ...之外...

    furthermore adv. 而且,此外 

    also adv. 也,而且,同样地

    too adv. 也,太,很 

    likewise adv.同样地,此外,...

    then adv. 那么,然后,...

    yet adv. 还,已经,仍...

    what is more 而且此外,更有甚者 

    as well 也,又

    in addition adv. 另外,此外 

    additionally adv. 另外,同时,此外

    as adv. 同样地,例如,...














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