
普通法精要(双语.第七期):Jawbone v. Flex 涉华337调查案解析

2022-05-11 11:42:24

Common Law in a Nutshell (7): Discovery and Deposition in a famous ITC Section 337 Investigation case (Jawbone v. Flextronics) II



欢迎大家收听我们第七期中英双语英美法精要节目。本期节目,我将和我们大成华盛顿特区办公室的合伙人和美国区知识产权部的主席Mark Hogge律师和常驻美国西雅图的深圳办公室同事曹晓敏律师,通过Jawbone v. Flex 涉华337调查案进一步讨论的证据调查(discovery)制度和宣誓举证(deposition,中国法下无对应制度,可翻译为“宣誓举证”或“证人证言”)制度。Mark Hogge律师介绍了其团队是如何将原本将给客户造成巨大负担的证据调查程序简化,进而赢得胜利。


杨乾武律师:Let’s resume our discussion about the Flextronics case.

Mark Hogge律师: Let’s set up the facts first. Flextronics, now called Flex, it has a manufacturing facility in Zhuhai, where it makes many things, including a class of electronic devices called wearables, for example Fitbit, Apple watches and Jawbone UP bracelets. Jawbone sued Flextronics in the ITC in a 337 action, to stop the import of Fitbits. Jawbone alleged that Flex employees stole Jawbone trade secrets to make the Fitbit products being imported into the U.S.. At the beginning of the case there were 154 different trade secrets asserted and in about one year this number diminished to 30s. (To be continued) 

曹晓敏律师翻译:伟创力Flextronics, 现在称作Flex)是一家世界知名(第三大)的跨国电子制造服务提供商。他们在珠海有很大的生产设施。他们生产的产品很多,其中包括可穿戴的电子设备,例如Fitbit, 苹果手表以及Jawbone UP手环等。Jawbone公司对伟创力在ITC提起337诉讼,试图阻止Fitbit的产品进入到美国市场。Jawbone诉称Flex的雇员窃取其商业秘密,并利用这些商业秘密生产了Fitbit产品,然后进口到美国。Jawbone最初总共主张伟创力窃取了其154件商业秘密,一年后这个数字缩小到30余件。

Mark Hogge律师: Discovery was in two phases, fact and expert, and those phases were in sub phases of written and deposition. The emails of certain employees accused of theft, were produced. The requests for those e-mails were restricted in time and subject matter, so as not to be too burdensome. There were the usual requests for interrogatories, request for production, and requests for admissions. (To be continued)


Mark Hogge律师: Once written discovery was completed, then depositions were taken of Flex employees in Hong Kong. It was about 10 days of depositions. (To be continued)


Mark Hogge律师: Then there were expert reports, and expert depositions. (To be continued)


Mark Hogge律师: Then trial began. Because procedure at the ITC is a bench trial, the direct testimony was submitted by way of written questions and answers, annotated with documents to support the testimony. This process begins a month before the hearing. (To be continued)


Mark Hogge律师:The hearing itself consisted of opening statements, and cross examination of the written direct testimony. We provided testimony of 45 witnesses in 8 days. (To be continued)


Mark Hogge律师: Within 3 months, the ALJ issued her Initial Determination, and found no trade secret misappropriation by Flex. What followed was an appeal to the full commission and once the Commission affirmed with a Final Determination, an Appeal was taken to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Jawbone eventually dropped the appeal and settled with Fitbit. (To be continued)


杨乾武律师:337 Investigation can also target American companies, is that right? 本案中被告包括美国本土公司,美国圣荷塞的Flextronics (Flextronics全球总部在新加坡,此案中其美国公司也被列出被告之一),337调查是否也可以针对美国公司提起?

Mark Hogge律师: Yes. Almost no manufacturing occurs in US anymore. Everything is imported or has aspects of importation. Something, like cars, made all over the world but they might be assembled in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan or China.

杨乾武律师翻译: 337案件不仅仅针对美国以外的公司,也被应用于阻止美国公司在海外生产制造的产品进入美国。事实上由于全球制造,大量美国公司,尤其是大型国际公司的生产环节在美国境外,337案件中美国公司作为被告是屡见不鲜的。最近高通也对苹果提起了诉讼,又是一起阻止美国公司的产品进入美国市场的例子。




如您对本文内容有任何疑问,欢迎随时联系本文执笔人:周誓超实习律师。电子邮件:; 联系电话: 136 8959 8633, 0755-83266693。


Mark L. Hogge 律师 合伙人


George Mason University, JD

George Mason University, BA, Biology

Mark Hogge是Dentons美国区域知识产权诉讼执业团队的联合主席。他在全球享有盛誉,已经持续代理ITC 诉讼案件逾15年。Hogge先生在众多的ITC 案件中担任首要法律顾问,在调查的各个阶段代理原告、被告或第三方。

杨乾武 律师 高级合伙人


香港大学 法学硕士

清华大学 法学学士

东北财经大学 经济学学士



曹晓敏 律师


香港大学 法学硕士(知识产权)

南京大学 理学学士(电子科学与工程)



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