
TASCHEN 宣布于香港开设亚洲第一家旗舰店

2021-06-20 06:18:51

TASCHEN 宣布于香港开设亚洲第一家旗舰店 


(2018 年 6 月 7 日 - 香港)德国艺术图书出版界翘楚 TASCHEN 宣布将于香港开设品牌在亚洲的第一家书店,新店将选址「大馆」古迹及艺术馆(香港前中区警署)。大馆在支持下重新活化,结合历史、消闲及艺术于一身,而 TASCHEN 则将为香港带来其举世闻名、涉猎甚广的专书系列,横跨艺术、摄影、建筑、电影、消闲、旅游及普普文化等多个范畴,期望为香港文化景像带来贡献。香港全新书店除展示 TASCHEN 包罗万有的专书系列外,更将不定期举行座谈会、签书会及各式活动,务求促进与收藏家及艺术爱好者的交流对话。TASCHEN 亚洲首家旗舰店占地 1,300 平方呎,并将于7月2日正式开幕。 

(7 June 2018, Hong Kong) TASCHEN is delighted to announce the opening of a new store in HongKong, the brand’s first dedicated retail space in Asia, located in the courtyard of the former CentralPolice Station in the Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Art. Just as this new development, realisedunder the patronage of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, combines history, lifestyle, and art,TASCHEN’s vast program will contribute to the Hong Kong cultural scene with its globallycelebrated range of illustrated books covering art, photography, architecture, film, lifestyle, travel,and pop culture. In addition to showcasing TASCHEN’s diverse portfolio, the store also aims tofoster dialogues between collectors and art lovers by hosting a dynamic program of talks, booksignings, and events. Spanning 1,300 square feet, the new store will open on 2 July 2018. 

TASCHEN Store London Claridges 

©TASCHEN, Mark Seelen

TASCHEN 于 1980 年在德国科隆创立,多年来一直以开放及贴近大众的思维,出版各种大众化价钱的艺术图书,以及备受藏家追捧的艺术专书。TASCHEN 遍及全球各地的分店更被誉为「膜拜出版艺术的圣地」,由设计大师及艺术家如 Philippe Starck、Marc Newson 及 Beatriz Milhazes 操刀设计的空间永不过时,并从中展现出品牌大胆前卫而不拘小节的精神。舰店将如近年 TASCHEN 在欧洲的其他分店一样,由 Alberto Stampanoni Bassi 及 Salvatore Licitra 设计,优雅的木地板、度身订造的家俬及独一无二的露台,为访客建构出一个轻松的空间,沉醉在 TASCHEN 独有的氛围当中。 

Since its inception in 1980 in Cologne, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing by producing affordably priced art books as well as sought-after collector’s items.TASCHEN stores around the world have been called “mini cathedrals to the art of book production”– timeless spaces that stay true to the company’s bold and eclectic spirit, conceived in collaborationwith artists and designers such as Philippe Starck, Marc Newson, and Beatriz Milhazes. The HongKong bookstore is designed by Alberto Stampanoni Bassi and Salvatore Licitra, who have alsofashioned several of the publisher’s most recent European locations. With elegant wooden floors,customized furniture and a unique outdoor terrace, TASCHEN’s Hong Kong space encouragesvisitors to relax and connect with the singular atmosphere surrounding them. 

TASCHEN Store Milan

©TASCHEN, Mark Seelen

TASCHEN董事总经理Marlene Taschen对品牌开设亚洲首间分店表示兴奋:「我们很高兴可以拓展业务至香港,并将 TASCHEN 带到亚太区以至全球更多角落。香港的国际化及都市活力为我们带来更大的启发,而这家分店亦将成为我们全球零售网络中不可或缺的一部分。」

Marlene Taschen, Managing Director, expressed the company’s excitement about the brand’s firstretail location in Asia: “We are thrilled to expand into Hong Kong and share the world of TASCHENwith the region and beyond. The city’s international, vibrant spirit is a great inspiration to us and thestore an essential addition to our global retail network.” 


A portrait of Marlene Taschen

©Marco Glaviano


TASCHEN 是领导全球的艺术图书出版商,以一系列抢眼的大型精装书籍享誉国际,出版图书横跨建筑、情色、艺术、设计、时装、摄影、流行文化、生活品味及旅游等范畴,建构出一个炫目而无畏的国度。TASCHEN 多年以来与不同的著名创意伙伴紧密合作,以几十种不同语言出版数以千计不同专题的书籍。由最经典的Basic Art系列,以至独创的巨型圖書「SUMO」收藏家系列(SUMO-sizedCollector’s Editions),TASCHEN 一直坚持贯彻其多元化及积极创新的使命。不论任何主题及价钱,TASCHEN 皆一视同仁尊重每本书籍,由印制、设计以至包装均一丝不苟,每本图书都独一无二。

TASCHEN 由 Benedikt Taschen 于 1980 年在德国科隆创办,由一家小漫画店发展至今日业务遍及全球的书店。除了全球销售网络外,TASCHEN 这家私营出版商亦同时经营电子销售网络,并在全球各地拥有14家分店。TASCHEN 总部设于科隆及洛衫矶,并于柏林、香港、伦敦、马德里、米兰、纽约及巴黎设有办公室。

TASCHEN 现时由 Benedikt Taschen 及其长女 Marlene Taschen 共同管理,旗下雇有超过二百名员工的团队,以及一个自由工作者的社群,负责品牌于全球各地的编辑、财务及管理、公关、印制、零售、销售及市场推广等工作。 

TASCHEN is a leading art-book publisher known for its dazzling and audacious world of eye-catching coffee table books spanning architecture, aphrodisia, art, design, fashion, photography,pop culture, style, and travel. Working closely alongside acclaimed creative partners, the companyhas published thousands of titles in dozens of languages. From the quintessential Basic Art seriesto SUMO-sized Collector’s Editions, TASCHEN’s mission remains to be committed to diversity andinnovation. Whatever the subject and whatever the price, the company strives to treat every topicwith the same respect, and to produce, design, and package each of its books beautifully anduniquely.

Founded by Benedikt Taschen in 1980 as a small comic bookstore in Cologne, today TASCHENsells globally. In addition to an international distribution network, the privately owned publishinghouse operates an e-commerce site and 14 branded stores around the world. The company isheadquartered in Cologne and Los Angeles and has regional offices in Berlin, Hong Kong, London,Madrid, Milan, New York, and Paris.

TASCHEN is co-managed by Benedikt Taschen and his eldest daughter, Marlene Taschen. Thepublishing house employs a team of over two hundred, plus a network of freelance collaborators,who work across Editorial, Finance & Administration, PR, Production, Retail, and Sales & Marketingdepartments worldwide. 


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