
【热点】Apple Watch真的要来啦!果粉们准备好任性了么?

2020-08-19 07:32:06

去年9月首次亮相的Apple Watch,吊足了苹果粉们的胃口!终于,北京时间3月10日凌晨,苹果公司2015年春季发布会在美国旧金山芳草地艺术中心召开,Apple Watch正式发布啦!这是苹果的首款可穿戴设备、第一款完全由Tim Cook主持开发的产品。更让人激动的是,为了迎合中国市场,Apple Watch还内置了微信。小伙伴们,在准备好钱的同时,先随世纪君了解一下吧!

Apple unveiled the Apple Watch, its much-anticipated smartwatch at a media event in Cupertino. The Apple Watch is the first new Apple product line that CEO Tim Cook has launched since he took over in 2012. Tim Cook described it as a “precise and customizable timepiece” and a “comprehensive health and fitness device.”

1. Apple Watch分为三个版本,土豪版1万美金起!

苹果发布会,最重头的新品无疑是Apple Watch。据悉, Apple Watch一共34款,分为三个版本,其中18款为标准版(Apple Watch),10款运动版(Apple Watch Sport),和6款豪华款(Apple Watch Edition)。

苹果给了用户多种选择:2 种尺寸、3 个版本、4 种材质、6 款表带。38毫米表盘款、42毫米表盘款;铝合金、不锈钢、18K镀金、18K玫瑰金等材质;表带也提供了多样的选择,包括链式表带(Link Bracelet)、运动表带(Sport Band)、皮质回形表带(Leather Loop)、扣式表带(Classic Buckle)、米兰尼斯表带(Milanese Loop)、现代风扣式表带(Modern Buckle),每款表带能够单独购买。

眼花了有木有?不过,如果你还没有iPhone,又想要Apple Watch,还是先去买台iPhone吧~

The device starts at $349. It comes in two sizes (38mm and 42mm) and has three different lines: Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport and an 18k gold Apple Watch Edition.

You’ll need to pair the watch with an iPhone. The device supports iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5C and iPhone 5.

大家最为关心的价格问题,看下面哦~ 准备好双肾吧!

Apple Watch Sport运动版:售价$349(约合人民币2185元)起

Apple Watch标准版:售价$549(约合人民币3438元)起

Apple Watch Edition豪华版:售价$10,000(约合人民币62629元)起。

2. Apple Watch 的功能大解析:


首先Apple Watch支持微信啦!同时,还可以自定义时间显示内容,快速查询各种信息,看邮件,并且接电话。Digital Touch功能类似于数码对讲机,可以让用户跟屏幕上出现的联系人进行简单的交流,发送自己的运动信息等等。


这是标榜运动健身的Apple Watch的主要功能,可以记录一天中佩戴者的坐、立、行的时间,消耗的卡路里等数据,提醒你坐的太久,让大家更多的动起来,健康生活。


Apple Watch涵盖了日常的各种应用,不用说,Apple Pay这么重要的产品一定是支持Apple Watch的。国外还有诸多厂商都将推出自己的Apple Watch应用,准备构建智能手表的生态体系。另外,开酒店房门也不在话下。对于中国小伙伴来说,用Apple Watch收微信通知再潇洒不过了~


18小时,基本可以全天使用,通过磁力接触充电。不要奢望它跟传统电子表一样省电,但这也打破了仅能用2.5小时的谣言。小伙伴们,不用担心 Apple Watch 的电池问题啦!

The watch knows when you’re raising your wrist to look at it and activates the screen. A Digital Touch feature lets you ping friends, draw on the touch screen and share your heart beat. Sensors on the back of the watch track your pulse. You’ll also be able to use the device to make payments using the new Apple Pay system.

The watch includes two apps for motivating you to be more healthy. An Activity app monitors movement, calories burned, and time spent standing throughout the day, while a Workout app lets you set goals when you’re exercising.

CEO Tim Cook says you can do it all from your wrist with Apple Watch — for 18 hours a day. That's how long the battery will last.

3. 苹果手表首发有中国,4月10日起接受预定!

根据官网消息,Apple Watch首批上市国家和地区包括中国大陆和香港地区,其余发售国家为美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国、德国以及日本。4月10日起接受预定,正式发售日期为4月24日!小伙伴们,你打算买吗?

Scheduled to hit the market in April, industry watchers are eager to see if Apple's version will be the tipping point for the sluggish smartwatch market.

4. 除了 Apple Watch,你还可以期待MacBook

除了备受关注的Apple Watch之外,苹果也在发布会上推出传闻已久的12 寸Retina屏幕 MacBook。新 MacBook 会提供银色、太空灰和土豪金三种颜色。它还具备更轻薄的机身、配备视网膜屏幕、无风扇设计和长续航、全新的键盘……这款全新MacBook的上市价格,1299美元起,高配版1599美元,将于4月10日上线。苹果粉们乐开花了吧?心动了没?

Tim Cook unveiled new MacBook, the thinnest and lightest version of its laptop in silver, space gray and gold finishes. Keys are bigger and backlit with LEDs; screen has 12-inch Retina display.

The starting price of the new MacBook laptop is $1,299 and comes with 256 gigabytes of storage. For $1,599, you get a faster processor and twice the storage. The MacBook will start shipping April 10.




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